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The Nurses Legacy Institute

Events & programs

Offerings are created in a tight time frame based on the identified needs of learners, synthesis of literature, peoples’ lived experiences, cutting-edge reports, and emerging trends with a focus on application.

If you are interested in hosting a learning opportunity for your team or institution, get in touch with us!

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Register now for our CNO ROUNDTABLE with Dr. Barbara Cherry and Dr. Joy Parchment for a discussion about

Violence in a place of caring: How do you know your staff are safe?

June 20, 2024 @ 10AM Central/Standard Time
Register Now

From Burnout to Hope

During the pandemic, 99% of nurses reported feeling pride in their work yet almost 50% thought about quitting their job. Feelings of exhaustion and lack of appreciation have many of us wondering: if this is how burnout starts, then where is it going? Join us for a meaningful discussion on concerns about the mental health status of nurses today, and discover strategies and services which can be instituted within your organization to increase feelings of hope for the future of nursing.


The ROI of EI 4 YOU

Every organization has experienced instances where a leader within the organization shows strengths in core competencies necessary for the role, but may be exhibiting Emotional Intelligence blind spots of which peers are taking notice. Emotionally effective leaders are able to identify and understand how aspects of emotional intelligence can lead to derailing behaviors; therefore, this 60 minute session will focus on the Return on Investment (ROI) of assessing and evaluating your emotional intelligence, which can help establish the need for targeted development programs and measures. This, in turn, can lead to dramatic increases in your performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential. While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas.

Emotional intelligence is also not a static factor — to the contrary, one’s emotional intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas. Knowing who you are has a powerful and significant impact on your overall performance as a professional, as well as your happiness and well-being. Participants of this session will learn the importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership.

Virtual / On-Site / Contracted

Catapult Your Leadership Journey: Enhancing Self-Knowledge

A virtual 2.5 day workshop focused on self-knowledge-- the first step to becoming a better leader. Content will include the following topics:

  • Social Aspects of Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Authentic Leadership
  • Self-Care
  • Learning from Failure
  • Courage

The Three Rs: Rethink, Re-frame, Relate©

This session focuses on rethinking the workforce issues, reframing them into possibilities and creating relationships that produce results. What if health care organizations would rethink their employment conditions and benefits? How can current employment opportunities be made more attractive? What would direct care nurses and students say about how they are treated on any given patient care unit? What is the leveraging opportunity nurse leaders have in creating opportunities for the future during what is anticipated to be one of the worse shortages nursing has ever faced? How do we change policies, benefits, space, hiring practices? How do we create professional treatment of nurses? How will the liquid workforce affect our hiring and employment practices? An outgrowth of the pandemic was the new view of working as a travel nurse and why nurses quit their current jobs. Nurses who travel earn more money, have greater control of their schedule, have less free time demands and, for many, have greater continuing education benefits. How will we rethink, re-frame and relate that to the future solutions for workforce stability?

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